I have lived in King City since Dec 2014, and have never had a nice experience going to the Club House. There is always someone from the board of directors, administration office, police, or some guy from a club with an attitude problem, or just not nice. Every two years or so someone is going to leave the board of directors, or administration office. I am not sure why Joe Wilson is still there. He's a joke! He is the one that thought I didn't live in King City and harassed me until I showed him my drivers license. All I was doing was using the wifi at the club house to save some money. Back then, I only lived in the King City Apts for a month and now I'm getting harassed! Base on my experience over the past 7 years living here in King City is that I am not welcomed in the Club House because the old people there see me as a young guy and don't want me being there.